2022-03-16 13:56Pressmeddelande

Double gold to Hernö Gin this year again in IWSC.

Jon Hillgren and Johan Wester, creating world's best gin.

Hernö Gin continues to be awarded with gold this year again in International Wine & Spirits Competition (IWSC) with a Gold Outstanding to Hernö Navy Strength Gin and a Gold for Hernö Old Tom Gin. In the spirit competition which is the largest and most prestigious in the world, Hernö Gin is awarded with two gold for the second year in a row. Totally, the Swedish distillery has been awarded with a total of eleven gold, of which four Gold Outstanding, topped with seven Trophies since 2013.

– It’s a great honor that the international experts forming the jury continues to praise our products year after year. I receive the news about this year’s double gold awards in IWSC with great joy, says Jon Hillgren , Founder and Master Distiller at Hernö Gin.

Gold Outstanding to Hernö Navy Strength Gin for a dazzling complexity.
Hernö Navy Strength Gin is awarded with Gold Outstanding, the highest level of gold in the competition. 

The motivation of the jury: So much happening here with a dazzling complexity and clarity of flavour. The juniper and earthy characters are powerful and expressive with a superbly integrated finish that is sweet.

– A Gold Outstanding demands at least 98 of 100 possible points in the competition and I would like to emphasize that this is a top result to be proud of, says Johan Wester, responsible for statistics and competitions at Hernö Gin.

– I’m happy to see Hernö Navy Strength Gin in the spotlight this time. It is our bold flagship with an amazing ability to carry taste, he adds.

Gold to Hernö Old Tom Gin for a delicate gin with natural sweetness.
Hernö Old Tom Gin is awarded with Gold in the competition and the motivation of the jury is: Delicate and understated nose showing some earthy notes. Well-integrated alcohol and sweetness on the palate where the juniper shines through together with the cinnamon ending in a grassy and woody finish. Overall delicate spirit with natural sweetness, pronounced finish and complexity.

– This is the third time in the history of Hernö Gin that Hernö Old Tom Gin is awarded with gold in IWSC and one of them is a Gold Outstanding, Johan sums up.

– It is amazing that Hernö Gin continues to be awarded for our products in a competition that can be compared with the film industry’s Oscar. To win a IWSC award is not easy and yet we have the great honor to receive at least one gold almost every year since 2013, he states.

Next week IWSC will announce this year’s Trophies and Gin Distiller of the Year will be announced later this year.




Om Hernö Gin

Hernö Gin är världens ledande producent av hantverksmässigt framställt gin. Stolta pionjärer som startade Sveriges första gindestilleri 2011.Allt började med en passion för den ädla spritdrycken med dominerande smak av enbär och drömmen om att skapa gin. En resa som tog Hernö Gins grundare Jon Hillgren till platser och gindestillerier världen över i sitt sökande efter kunskap och ginspiration. Till sist bosatte han sig i den lilla byn Dala nära Härnösand i Höga Kusten, Sverige. Hernö Gin skapar världens mest prisbelönta gin med naturliga och ekologiska örter och kryddor i de handslagna kopparpan- norna Kierstin och Marit. Måna om hantverket, transparens i alla led och med fokus på kvalitet, har Hernö Gin siktet inställt på att föra premiumginkulturen in i allas vardagsrum.


Jon Hillgren
Jon Hillgren