2019-06-10 08:30Bloggpost

Strong success strengthens local hospitality industry.


Hernö Sipping Gin is a project initiated 2016 in order to strengthen the hospitality industry in The High Coast of Sweden. Today the yearly launch of a unique matured sipping gin has become a huge success. A highly demanded product with limited access. A must have for collectors. A magnet attracting visitors.

Hernö Gin is an artisanal gin distillery operating on the countryside close to the nature in the World Heritage The High Coast of Sweden, today one of Swedens most popular destinations. Important to remember is that the reality hasn’t always been like this.

– You have to try harder when you are living and running a business in the north of Sweden. You have to fight against severe winters, long distances and the challenge of succeeding with profitable business in sparsely populated areas. But the reward is greater than the bet. I couldn’t think of a better way of living. And Hernö Gin is my dream come true, says Jon Hillgren.

– Hernö Gin is not only a vision of creating world’s best gin regardless of whether we win awards or not, it is also a destination attracting visitors to the region and an inspiration showing others that it is possible to create jobs and building an international known trademark in the outskirts of the world, he adds.

Hernö Sipping Gin, a project aiming to attract visitors.

In 2016 Jon tried to figure out how Hernö Gin could contribute to strengthen the hospitality industry in the region. And above all how to attract visitors to the summer events High Coast Whisky Festival and Hernö Gin Open House, and to experience the terroir where two international well known spirits are created. The idea of a limited edition of Hernö Gin to be sold primary to people visiting the events came up.

– Hernö Sipping Gin is a project initiated with the fundamental idea that Hernö Gin, as a local enterprise with international reach, would like to contribute to strengthen the hospitality industry in our region. So, I created a unique product, a gin matured on casks previously used for maturing Whisky from High Coast Distillery (Hernö Gin #1.0, Box Whisky Cask 152). A limited edition of 522 bottles was launched at the two events where the visitors had the first and exclusive opportunity to order, tells Jon.

The week after, on Monday, the remaining bottles were launched at Systembolaget in Sweden and sold out in a few days.

Highly demanded success with limited access.

The successful launch blazed a trail for a highly demanded series of gin matured on Whisky Casks. Hernö Sipping Gin #1.1, matured on Box Sherry Cask in 2017, and Hernö Sipping Gin #1.2, matured on Laphroaig Cask in 2018, followed up.

– 2018 was the first year when every single bottle was sold out during the weekend when the two events were held. The number of visitors exceeded our expectations and people were standing in line to order their bottle. There were three days of great joy. I felt that we had reach an important milestone, tells Jon.

The setback came the following Monday. Hernö Gin had to turn down collectors and customers who had been waiting for the launch at Systembolaget and tell them that the product was sold out.

– Some of them were very upset and disappointed, Jon remembers.

Staying true to the original idea.
In 2019 Hernö Gin is launching Hernö Sipping Gin #1.3, matured on Ardbeg Cask, at High Coast Whisky Festival in Bjärtrå on 28–29 June and at Hernö Gin Open House in Dala on 30 June.

– Staying true to our fundamental idea with this product we are welcoming you as a visitor at these two events and giving you the first opportunity to taste and order Hernö Sipping Gin 2019, greets Jon.To meet the demand more than 1 600 bottles of this limited edition will be available in the Swedish market this year. As usual the bottles that are not sold during the weekend will be launched at Systembolaget the following Monday.

– There is no guarantee, but our intention, to launch at Systembolaget on Monday 1 July and the order number will be announced at Hernö Gins social media at 10 a.m. the same day, ends Jon.

Hernö Sipping Gin #1.3: Clear and light straw in color, yet a heavy playerwith strength, dark in taste.
Edition: 1 904 bottles, 1 600 in the Swedish market.
ABV: 49,1 %.

Pre launch: High Coast Whisky Festival 28–29 June, Hernö Gin Öppet Hus 30 June.
Launch Systembolaget: 1 July
Tasting notes: https://hernogin.com/gins/#gins-5

Om Hernö Gin

Hernö Gin har tilldelats 68 Master- and Guldmedaljer i världens största och mest prestigefulla dryckestävlingar. World’s best Gin 2017 och 2018, World’s best London Dry Gin 2017, World’s best Gin & Tonic 2016, San Fransisco World Spirits Competition Double Gold 2017 och Gin Producer of the Year både 2017 och 2016 är några av dem.


Jon Hillgren
Jon Hillgren