2022-11-18 11:48Bloggpost

A thought and a wish evolving to the project of your dreams.

– I believe in the power of thought. That your thoughts have the potency to become reality. But only in combination with action. You have to step forward to take your thoughts further and make your wishes come true.
Hans Forsell, artist and writer, sees Jon Hillgren as an inspirating example of a man who makes things happen and have the ability to make his dreams come true. Hans cooperation with Hernö Gin started as a quiet thought inside is head and a wish. A few years later they became reality.

Hans dream was to design labels for Hernö Gin. Since he is that type of person that has the urge to release his creativity in different projects, he started to create labels for short drinks that he made at home, bottled and gave to his friends as gifts. Beautiful bottles sealed with vax. Unlimited creativity. Humor expressed in designs.

– When I created a gin cocktail, named it Fastlandsgin and gave it to friend, Jon Hillgren happened to notice it. He gave me a call and asked if I wanted to paint live during the event Hernö Gin Cocktail Awards 2018, Hans remembers.

Streaks in the paint made by rain adds reality to the first painting for Hernö Gin.
The first time when Hans painted live during Hernö Gin Cocktail Awards in Friluftsbyn, at the base of the mountain Skuleberget, it was raining heavily. The weather has left unique marks at the painting summarizing the event. Today the original painting is to be found at Hernö Gin’s main office in Dala.

– The rain added more life and traces of reality to the painting. You can really experience the rain, following the streaks in the paint, describes Hans.

The landscape, the people, the cocktails and the creativity pouring along with the rain. It’s all there in the wealth of detail that is always to be found in Hans Forsell’s art.

– I love to add details that surprise the viewer and odd combinations, Hans is summing up his artistry.

Paintings with vigorous colors, surrealism and humor.
When Hernö Gin started to plan the co-lab Hernö Botany Bay Gin together with Four Pillars Gin in Australia, Hans dream since many years came through. He was asked to interpret the gin through a painting which would adorn the label.

– The brief from Hernö Gin included floral splendor, vigorous colors and to hide both Hernö Gin’s and Four Pillar’s logotypes in the details. I’m extra satisfied with Four Pillar’s hideaway in the greenery, says Hans.

Painting of Hans Forsell for Hernö Gin's Hernö Botany Bay Dry Gin.

Even if the painting for Hernö Botany Bay Gin was the entry level project, Hernö Jolie Rouge Gin was launched before in the series Interpretations exploring a world of taste. Hans has created the paintings for every label in the series since then, and they all encapsulate his very special touch of surrealism and humor.

– On the label of Hernö Jolie Rouge Gin you see a female Pirate and behind her an island with a fort formed by a giant octopus, explains Hans.

Dreams came through thanks to actions guided by passion.
– It was when I came to a point in my life when I decided to step forward and do the things I love to do that things really started to happen. Paint at live events. Write a book. Design labels just for fun. The more I let my passion guide my actions, the more I saw my dreams become reality, Hans philosophizes.

– The label for Fastlandsgin that I created just for fun led to the project of my dreams, he adds.

Hans concludes his impression of Hernö Gin with words like inspiration, joy, passion and a way of living your dream. And that’s exactly how you can summarize the artistry of Hans forsell.

Interpretations by Hernö Gin:
• Hernö Jolie Rouge Gin, 2019. Interpretation of the Caribbean and it’s tradition of rum.
• Hernö Botany Bay Gin, 2020. Interpretation of the Australian flora with it’s species richness.
• Hernö Eighteen Ninety One Gin, 2020. Interpretation of the taste heritage of O.P. Andersson.
• Hernö Artisan Ten Gin, 2021. Interpretation of Dala and the story of Hernö Gin.
• Hernö Slow Sloe Gin, 2021. Interpretation of the passing of time and the English Christmas tradition.
• Hernö Dalarosso Gin, to be launched on November 23, 2022. Interpretation of a passion for sweet Vermouth and a tribute to a dear friend, Giancarlo Mancino, Italian producer of Vermouth.

Product shot, Hernö Dalarosso Dry Gin

Hernö Dalarosso Dry Gin, to be launched in Sweden on November 23.


Om Hernö Gin

Hernö Gin är världens ledande producent av hantverksmässigt framställt gin. Stolta pionjärer som startade Sveriges första gindestilleri 2011. Allt började med en passion för den ädla spritdrycken med dominerande smak av enbär och drömmen om att skapa gin. En resa som tog Hernö Gins grundare Jon Hillgren till platser och gindestillerier världen över i sitt sökande efter kunskap och ginspiration. Till sist bosatte han sig i den lilla byn Dala nära Härnösand i Höga Kusten, Sverige. Hernö Gin skapar världens mest prisbelönta gin med naturliga och ekologiska örter och kryddor i de handslagna kopparpannorna Kierstin, Marit och Yvonne. Måna om hantverket, transparens i alla led och med fokus på kvalitet, har Hernö Gin siktet inställt på att föra premiumginkulturen in i allas vardagsrum.


Jon Hillgren
Jon Hillgren